Poslední aktualizace: 21.10.2024 19:29

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Simple companion new web ALU- S.V.

Thank you for your interest in our new web. In the following pages you will find instructions. In case you have some problems, do not hesitate to contact us.

Main web page

In top part of the page you can find drop down menus: About Company, New products, Actualitiess, Delivery terms, ALUCOBOND and Contacts.

On the right side there is window for customer Login, Basket and Search.

On the left side there are Parts, Complets and Technical documentation (mounting instructions, documentation and prospects).

Customer login

Fill up Name (e-mail address) and Password (access password will be given to you by ALU- S.V. salesman.) It is possible to change the password after agreement ( also possible to use option storage password.) and click the button Send.


After loging in, customer will enter E- shop where he will be able to see following:

Undispatched goods (Not delivered orders which are in the purchase basket.)

  • Orders (Orders placed in the system ALU-S.V. It is shown status and production term . Orders are updated once per day. It is possible to follow up reservations and data editing.)
  • Invoices (paid, unpaid, after validity)
  • Offers (Made for customer or customer can make it himself.)
  • Production (All products made and inquired in ALU-S.V. There you will find technical drawings. All drawings are presented in dwg. format)


Search for goods:

a)         Search by field Fast search (on the right side)

In the field Fast search it is possible to find goods according to part number or tittle which you can find in the chapters of catalogue.

For example write. 27sc160002 and click Search. It will appear screen with chosen goods. Fast search allows easy to search if you know the part number.

Details of goods and placing goods to the purchase basket

 After you click on Detail you will see follwing window:

  • technical information
  • picture
  • actual price for logged in customer (if you will not log in, the dispayd price will be the same as for not registered user)
  • goods on stock (green – it is on stock, red X – no on stock)
  • possibility to select quantity of profile bars
  • possibility to write notes
  • possibility to download drawings in dwg format (only for some goods)

On the left side are shown chapters with sorted goods. After clicking on the chapter, it will be shown related goods.


After setting required quantity of goods and clicking on Add to the basket, goods will be placed to the purchase basket and will be shown window with possibilities:

  • Finish shopping ( You will be returned to the chapter whre which goods were picked up).

  • Recalculate (e.g . when quantity of definined goods was changed in the basket, there will be recalculated price of the basket.)

  • Save basket = > Undispatched baskets (includes list of prepared baskets. Before saving basket it is good fill up number and subject of the order.)

O rder (See chapter Shopping basket ) 

 b)         Search over card Goods (on the left part of the screen)

Sellecting according to goods location in chapters (same sorting like in catalogue).

Clicks on category of goods in left parts screens e.g . 03 tarpaulin construction in top window will be given search bar - filtration of goods according to Title  or Part numbers.

Filling example:Part number 27sc160002 and click on search.

After it system will display window with found goods.

Clicks on basket and goods straightly will be placed to the purchase basket. Clicks on Detail and like in the part Detail goods - placing goods to the purchase basket


Creating the kit:

On the left parts of the screens click on Produce and select desired product e.g . Rear doors ALU. Fill up title of the set for easier search and fill required data. Areas with orange frames are for filling needed dimensions. For example orange field Total amount of the hinges with additional field Hinges on one wing. In some orange fields it is allowed to fill data, in others it is not allowed. Grey fields are locked for editing in order to exclude possible errors during the ordering.


After placing the number of pieces of set, it is possible to write additional text to the product in the field remark and click Add to the handbasket. Goods will be placed to the purchase basket and it will be shown window with possibilities:

- Finish purchase

- Recalculate

- Save basket

- Order

Same meaning like in chapter Details of goods and placing goods to the purchase basket.

Product which is saved to the basket is possible to make its copy and to open it for changes. It helps for example: when making orders of the different sideboards. The price of the product set is not shown. Price of the set is shown after ordering or offering when clicking on order or offer in the field Login and logged in using your password and e-mail.


Purchase basket – reservation of goods:

Click on Show in the Basket in right top part with shown buying basket, if it is shown.

Then click on Ordert and following screen will be shown:

  • choose order or offer
  • delivery term (date is possible to take from dropdown calendar)
  • invoicing address (for registered user it is already entered, if your address is changing, please inform us by e-mail)
  • delivery address, if it is different than invoicing address (it is related with address for sending goods)
  • way of delivery

  • way of payment
  • note to the order


After clicking on Finish it will be shown window with information about order or demand with invoicing date and sums, that are in basket with possibility of printing in the internet browser.

Click on Send and order wil be sent to ALU-S.V. and to your e-mail will be sent confirmation that order has been received.
Technical documentation to the parts

On the left side click on the Dokuments. All goods are sorted like in the catalogue ALU- S.V. Documentation includes technical information, instructions for assembly, new prospects and catalogue ALU- S.V. in PDF format. Documents could be shown, printed or saved.



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